Friday, January 22, 2010

Code comments

I used to have a rather strong stance on comments in code. Mostly in the form of avoiding them. I believe that the code IS the comment. If you had written clear code, you had no need to write comments. They would just be clutter in the most cases.

I still believe in what I just said, but recently, I had began writing more and more comments in my code.

That's because that despite clear code, sometimes it's useful to explain, in the code, why some things are done in some way.

To the coder (person who wrote the code), everything is clear. He might write two loops over the same list of objects, modifying them in different ways. He might have done that to keep the objects in a consistent state, to finish one set of operations before another.

Now, sometime later (or maybe just days), someone came along and notice this code. Why did the coder not merge both operations in a single loop? That would help in performance. He did not ask the coder, as the coder was unavailable. So he made the changes, run some basic tests, and check the code in.

And then a whole set of bugs appeared in the next few days.

This could have been avoided if the coder had commented in the code why he seperated the operations as two loops.

It is the same way in documentations. Rather than document just how things work, the documentation should explain why things work this way, why an approach was chosen, and why others might be discarded.

Anyone can figure out how things work, or how the code flow. But it is the why that is many a times missing. And we definitely need to document them in, both in code and doumentations.

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