I took a longer harder look at Jersey, a JAX-RS Reference Implementation, and I was totally blown away.
A background on the path to amazement.
I had heard about JAX-RS a while back. I think it was when I was playing around with Restlets. But I dismissed it off as I thought it was for web services.
I went around, playing with Wicket and Spring as well. I'll just round up my feelings. They might be outdated conclusions though.
Restlet: When I played with it, it was very much in the pre-annotations craze days. I had to add my restlets to an application router manually, and I had to extend Resource and Finder classes. I did not find out how to integrate with jsp at that time, so I was not sure if it supported it then (I did see freemarker/velocity support). But somehow, I did notice myself repeating a lot of code for different resources.
Wicket: It was a pleasant experience. Testing was easy too, and I felt very confident when developing the web application. There was no doubt, as my html and code are tested together. It was quite heavily session-based though, and turning off session/reducing the usage was harder than it was. Just when you felt used to a desktop-oriented way to developing with Wicket, you had to unlearn that and code session-less page.
Spring MVC: I tried it out with annotations, and it was truly wonderful. The resulting controller did not feel like a web-based java artifact, other than a minor hint of request/response/session here and there. Testing was easy too. But somehow, I am quite unsure of how generation of content other than html can be achieved for selected paths/resources. It felt like a tool for power user, actually.
So fast forward to now. I actually took a look at Jersey again. This time I actually took a longer, harder look.
The code were really clean and simple. It was annotation-driven, with @Get and @Post and @Consume and @Produce. I just came from the Spring playground, and this felt really attractive. It was how Restlet should had been (and which they are now, as far as I know. I heard they currently had JAX-RS implementation within Restlet).
I knew I had to give it a go.
So I pondered about an implementation. I wonder if I had to go with html pages accessing JAX-RS with javascript. I wondered if I could get them to spit out html. I could, but if I had to make it annotation-driven, it would take quite a bit of effort. Then I wonder about which javascript framework would be suitable.
And as I was just going through the links on the jersey site, I saw this post: http://macstrac.blogspot.com/2009/01/jax-rs-as-one-web-framework-to-rule.html
Hmm.. so apparently, Jersey has this feature known as Implicit/Explicit views. That was really fascinating! And then I followed the link: http://blogs.sun.com/sandoz/entry/mvcj
Really very neat, it integrates with JSP! Not that I am a JSP fanboy though. I will get to that point later.
But anyway, all this is good, but I did noticed the issue James Strachan brought up, regarding Safari preferring Xml to Html. I also noticed that the Jersey implementation was registered as a Servlet with /* . That would not play well with static content. I thought to myself, that I probably could hack around a filter version later.
And now, I saw on Paul Sandoz's blog about Jersey 1.0.2. Ok ok I know it was released in February. But I only got to know about it now. It added filter support, as well as ImplicitProduce!
I got excited. I decided to take a closer look at the implicit view now.
The documentation was sparse. There was nothing much on it. I had to download the samples to look at it. I checked out the bookstore sample.
The code was confusing. There was nothing much mentioned. I decided to run it.
And then it all made sense. And I was blew away.
The code was clean. Even annotations were kept to a minimal. It introduced some interesting way of resolving paths beyond the standard Path annotation.
I am really very impressed. I am going to give it a test drive now.
But to sum it up first, JAX-RS might have just become my preferred choice of web development framework (if it does not disappoint me in my test drive).
It is a very simple model. A very simple concept. Which means a very low entry barrier. I probably can introduce someone to JAX-RS development faster than Spring MVC. It would be even faster if there was a flow diagram of what components a request would go through, and what actors are involved.
And I will stick to JSP for a start, as it is also a low entry barrier choice. One might argue that velocity & freemarker are easy to pick up too, but given a handful of java web developers, there is a higher chance that you get someone who knows JSP than the other two.
I'll see if I can have a followup entry on my test-drive experience in the coming weeks.