I was working on an administrative web interface for a user management product, and was trying to find out how best to do audit and security.
I should throw up the conclusion first: Audit and Security are not meant to be interceptors.
And now for the journey to that conclusion.
We are in the year 2009. Java annotations are on the rampant. Every problem looks like a nail to that hammer. And it is no surprise that there are many projects which implement audit and security annotations, and run them through interceptors like AOP.
Which I tried as well. It worked great initially. Marking methods to be auditable and securing methods with roles were simple, and does not obstruct code logic.
Until the security got more 'realistic' and requring the audit to be 'useful'.
In the original concept, a user could be an administrator, and able to modify any users. In the updated requirement, a user could manage multiple group of users. No longer that simple to just check by a single role a user has. The role would be dynamic too. To support multiple dynamic groups after deployment, the role name would be built up from the name of the group of users. And annotations for role name support only strings that can be determined from compile time!
Granted, a more complicated security annotation might work. Something along the line of annotating a method with a security policy instead of a role name...
But let's move on to audit first. The most common audit approach is probably marking methods as auditable, and then record all input arguments and output result of that method.
That seemed to me to be a rather... technical audit rather than a business audit trail. Translation of the audit information to business information is not so easy. And there are definitely times when the required audit information might not be part of the input arguments nor output result. And this might violate the SRP to some people, but it's entirely possible that a single method is in fact, multiple events and require two audit entry instead of one.
My point here is probably this, that for a given business scenario, there are definitely clear requirements on what audit information to capture. And these information usually go beyond the simple 'method invocation with arguments, results, or exceptions'.
I'm definitely not against annotations and interceptors. They are excellent idea, and work great for many cases. My grip is that audit and security functional requirements are never that trival, in the sense that many out of the box interceptors will fulfill the requirements. And there is just too much hype in audit and security interceptors as the holy grail.