Seriously. A bug tracking system is essential. I don't mean a software application. Just a process will do.
When a bug is reported, detailed steps of how the bug occurred should be provided. Screenshots would be helpful. The actors involved should be named as well. For example, for a request workflow, state the requestor, assignee, appover, and so on.
And of course, if this is a testing phase, try to have multiple test accounts. When a bug occurred, stop using the test account involved in the bug. This allows the developer to look into the data state when the bug occurred.
Though of course, in most cases that could not be done.
Back to the system. A bug will go through various phases. It will be open, fix in progress, testing, and closed, for the basic status list. It should be noted that the bug should always be closed by the group who reported the bug, not the developers themselves. This removes any future conflicts between the client and the vendor.
So, we have a 'new' bug. The user submits it with a description of what he was trying to do, what happened, and what SHOULD happen. I feel that it is essential that all three such things are submitted. Many times I encounter vague steps of what a user did, and what happened. And then they leave out the part on what should happen. So I have no idea which part of the happening was the bug.
A priority level is tagged with each bug as well, ranging from fatal (cannot proceed on and is a show stopper) to minor (work but is an annoyance). Most people use a number system, from 1 to 4, and depending on preference, 1 could be the fatal bugs.
It is likely that there will only be critical and fatal bugs. The user would usually want everything to be changed till it suit their taste, and if no one manages the defect list, be prepared to be sucked into a neverending whirlpool of changes. Negotiate and discuss the priority of issues with the user. Give and take for some of them. Most users are reasonable, but there are always those few unreasonable ones.. especially when politics come into play.
At times, rather than doing a time and effort consuming fix, a workaround can be suggested. Update the bug status with the work around suggestion, and throw it back to the user for review.
Now for the case where a fix is needed. The bug should belong to a single developer at any time. And this is actually where I wanted to complain at the start of this post.
The bug was originally assigned to someone else. But as that developer was assigned with too many fixes, the others started to help out. But without consulting and discussion with the original assignee, bug fixes get duplicated. Time and effort are wasted. Confusion arises.
Do a reassignment of defects with the original owner around. Please.
To carry on with the discussion of the system. After a bug is fixed, it should go through a round of internal test. The bug status should be updated accordingly. After it is verified to be fixed, it should be thrown back to the user for testing, and then readied or production.
This is another point of a bug fix cycle to be careful about. Sometimes, the fix expose another irrelevant bug. And the user would report that as part of the current bug, and keep the bug open.
Avoid that! As far as the facts are concerned, the reported bug was fixed! Any furthur bug or changes should be reported as a new bug or change request. This is especially important if the team is committed by contract to fix all bugs reported before a deadline, which is considered a milestone completion. Some clients might actually wish the milestone to not be reached, to avoid payment.
In conclusion, do take care into setting up a proper bug/defect tracking system. It could turn a profitable project into resource hogger and waster (if these are real words).